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Updates from the LACUNY Executive Council and LACUNY Officers are posted to CULIBS-L and reproduced here.

  • Wednesday, February 23, 2022 10:00 AM | Deleted user

    The Library Association of The City University of New York (LACUNY), in collaboration with The Bronx Community College Library and Kibbee Library at Kingsborough Community College invites you to the following event: "A Conversation with Professor William Gibbons, Recipient of 2022 I Love My Librarian Award." Please read details below: 


    This past January, Professor William Gibbons (City College of New York-CUNY) was among 10 librarians across the nation to be named a recipient of the 2022 "I Love My Librarian Award." During this sit-down, LACUNY President Jeffrey Delgado (Kingsborough Community College-CUNY) and LACUNY Vice-President Nelson Santana (Bronx Community College-CUNY) will have a conversation with Professor Gibbons. Professor Gibbons will reflect upon his career as an academic librarian, his personal experience, and the contributions he has made. 


    Wednesday, February 23 at 10:00 a.m. 

    Register at the following Link

    About Professor Gibbons 

    Professor William Gibbons is Associate Professor and Curator of Archives and Special Collections at The City College of New York. His scholarship and personal interests focus on Harlem and gentrification, CCNY athletics, and the preservation and accessibility of archival and special collections. He has been instrumental in fostering partnerships between the City College of New York and organizations across Harlem and beyond, including the Rockefeller Archive Center, Harlem Little League Baseball, and New York Public Library’s Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture. Through his teaching and work as a librarian and archivist, Professor Gibbons has contributed to helping families and students within the Harlem community, and The City University of New York become knowledgeable library users, recognize the value of libraries, and utilize libraries to their fullest potential.

    Questions regarding this event should be addressed to Professor Nelson Santana @

  • Monday, February 07, 2022 1:29 PM | Deleted user

    We hope this message finds you all well. As noted in a previous communication, this year's LACUNY Dialogues 2022: The Interdisciplinary Nature of Librarianship is scheduled to take place on Friday, February 25, with a start time of 2:00 p.m.  

    Similar to 2021, this year's LACUNY Dialogues will take place virtually. To ​register, please go to the following link:

    ​This year’s LACUNY Dialogues includes presentations related to how librarians, library staff, and colleagues across information professional titles use not only their specific Library and Information Science training in their capacity as information professionals, but also how they use their training in other disciplines to complement their work as information professionals. 

    We are pleased to announce this year's presenters

    Dr. Amy Beth, Guttman Community College
    "Welcoming the Stranger: Organized Librarians Responding to Afghan Refugee Resettlement Families"

    Professor Stefka Tzanov, York College
    "Pirates or Robin Hood of Electronic Libraries: Bulgarian Grassroots

    Professor Madeline Ruggiero, Queensborough Community College
    "Interdisciplinary Collection Development and Art History"

    Professor Sarah Johnson, Hunter College
    "Finding My Way: Utilizing a Background in Social Work to Forge Projects and Partnerships" 

    Should any questions or concerns arise, feel free to contact Professor Nelson Santana at 

  • Tuesday, December 14, 2021 2:00 PM | Deleted user

    We would like to invite you to attend the Fall 2021 LACUNY Cataloging Round Table meeting on Tuesday December 14th at 2pm.

    We would like to have this meeting be a combination of both short informative presentations from volunteers followed by open discussion on topics of interest for future events, questions, concerns, and areas people are interested in refreshers and/or training.

    For this meeting we are seeking 6 individuals to volunteer to provide a brief 5-7 minute presentation on one of the following MARC fields: 020, 041, 043, 100, 110, 130.

    Volunteers should email both Jackie and Patrick with the MARC field they are interested in presenting on. 

    Register in advance for this meeting:

  • Friday, November 19, 2021 2:00 PM | Deleted user

    The McCrann Lectures are an annual series that honors the late Grace-Ellen McCrann of City College and spotlights research by LACUNY members. Attendance is open to all current LACUNY Members. Register in advance here:  

    Presentations should be 10-12 minutes in length and can highlight works in progress or complete works. Topics from all disciplines welcome! Past participants and lectures can be found here: 

    Please complete this form by Friday, November 1st 2021, if you are interested in presenting at the event.

  • Tuesday, November 16, 2021 1:00 PM | Deleted user

    The Archives and Special Collections Roundtable will meet Tuesday Nov 16th from 1-2:30.  Here is the current agenda: ​docx icon LACUNY Archives.docx []

    For zoom information please reach out the Roundtable Chair: Thomas Cleary-

  • Thursday, November 04, 2021 2:00 PM | Deleted user

    Are you a tenure-track library faculty who is suffering from "Pandemic Brain" and struggling to come up with topic ideas for publications? Or do you have publications that you think fellow CUNY junior library faculty can benefit from? If the answer is yes then this workshop is for you.


    The LACUNY Junior Faculty Roundtable invites you to a Publication Forum. During the first half of this event, we will take you through a workshop to help you develop and narrow down potential publication topics for yourself. The second half of the event will be a paper review. We invite participants to submit drafts of potential publications to review in workgroups as well as engage in discussion of potential publication ideas.

    Register in advance for this meeting:  


    After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting

  • Monday, June 15, 2020 2:20 PM | Anonymous

    "Mutual aid is about recognizing that we all need each other—and in this network, we choose each other. We believe that when we pool our resources, our whole community can thrive."

    MAMAS Money Network "Principles for Giving"

    The Library Association of the City University of New York announces the creation of the LACUNY Mutual Aid Network. This network offers a way for CUNY library colleagues to both request and provide assistance for one another during the crisis of COVID-19 and its associated damages to CUNY by way of cuts to our budgets and job losses in our libraries. In light of the precariousness of the current moment, LACUNY has decided to reallocate this year’s budget to provide direct support for those impacted by this crisis. Funds that would normally be used for academic awards and in-person events will become grants for individual CUNY library workers who are experiencing hardship. 

    Mutual aid projects are based in solidarity and are not charity, as recently described by activists Dean Spade and Mariame Kaba. LACUNY’s Mutual Aid Network does not use means testing or any form of qualification to prove economic or other hardships. CUNY library workers beyond LACUNY members are welcome to apply for funds. 

    Currently, LACUNY can provide a one-time grant of up to $200 to each person who is granted funding. LACUNY will do our best to fundraise and fulfill all requests. To become a recipient of funds, you can fill out LACUNY Mutual Aid Request Form.

    Funds will be distributed as long as they remain, but please complete the form as soon as possible for initial consideration.

    We realize these small grants can not replace a job, hours, or benefits that have been lost. We are devastated for those in our libraries who are going through these losses, and call on our community to show support.

    To contribute funds or provide support: if you would like to help those whose livelihood has been impacted by this crisis, please fill out this donation form. You can also indicate here if you would be willing to provide other support for those in crisis at this moment (in terms of personal and professional assistance).  

    We ask for your contributions to the LACUNY Mutual Aid Fund in support of the CUNY library community. We all know how critically important the work of the most precarious members of our team can be to the functioning of our libraries, and we ask that you join us in this small act of support for CUNY library workers. 

    This project has been developed by the following LACUNY members, and we welcome feedback and other communications:

    • Frans Albarillo, falbarillo (at), LACUNY EC Member

    • Nora Almeida, nalmeida (at), LACUNY EC, Previous President

    • Sarah Cohn, scohn (at), LACUNY EC Member

    • Jeffrey Delgado, jeffrey.delgado (at), LACUNY Vice President/President Elect

    • Elizabeth Jardine, ejardine (at), LACUNY EC Member

    • Ian McDermott, imcdermott (at), LACUNY President

    • Nandi Prince, NPrince (at), LACUNY EC Member

    • Alycia Sellie, asellie (at), LACUNY Member

    • Roxanne Shirazi, rshirazi (at), LACUNY EC Member

  • Tuesday, June 02, 2020 9:40 AM | Anonymous

    To our African American friends and colleagues, We stand with you. To our Non African American friends and colleagues, we must stand against white supremacy and systemic racism. Black Lives Matter.

    Today, we the LACUNY Executive Council, write to you in sadness over the acts of heinous police violence facing our African American community. The murder of George Floyd by police is another act of senseless violence that has plagued this country longer then this organization has existed. In these trying times, LACUNY stands firm against racial injustice and violence. We recognize and condemn these acts and other forms of racial violence, bigotry, and institutional racism. Now is not the time for silence and inaction but rather a time for social proactiveness.

    On behalf of LACUNY, I know that many members of our community are heartbroken over this event and the continued racism and discrimination that plagues our society. It is also challenging during the COVID-19 pandemic to get the in-person support from friends and family that can be a powerful source of comfort. During this pandemic, we might not feel comfortable joining direct action campaigns in the streets; you can support this movement through a financial donation to organizations including the Black Visions Collective Movement and Minneapolis Freedom Fund.

     Other ways in demonstrating support are by:
    -Listen to communities of color
    -Call out white supremacy and its manifestation in institutions and in social spaces
    -Check in with your students, fellow staff and faculty
    - Write to elected officials
    -Teach about it in your library instruction classes

    In Solidarity,

    On Behalf of the LACUNY Executive Council:

    Ian McDermott, President
    Jeffrey Delgado, Vice President/ President Elect
    Ryan Phillips, Treasurer
    Wanett Clyde, Secretary
    Nora Almeida, Past President.

    Places to donate:

  • Friday, May 08, 2020 9:00 AM | Anonymous

    As we face uncertain times and distance learning due to the Covid-19 pandemic, and a massive migration to a new LSP, the LACUNY Executive Council has decided to postpone LACUNY Officer elections this year.  Leadership continuity of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Urban Library Journal Editors, stand to keep us well on-track in a very significant period of unprecedented change. Not only would this provide steady leadership when needed, but would allow for a more fluid, robust and democratic election come Spring 2021. We are following a model recently established by the Council of Chief Librarians, a body that has decided to proceed with a retention of current officers in the name of stability and much needed continuity for one additional cycle of service. We believe the wisdom of this proposal situates us at our best.

    This leadership continuity will become official at the May 2020 meeting. The LACUNY Executive Council, in conjunction with the Constitution and By-laws Committee, has created an amendment that would allow for continuity of leadership should an emergency, such as the Covid-19 pandemic, arise that a general election would not be applicable. This amendment would stand in preparation for another crisis, should it ever come again. 

    Furthermore, an amendment has been approved for the continuation of the Jay Bernstein award to be in effect for future academic years. Instead of a monetary prize, the recipient of this award will have their LACUNY membership fee waived for that academic year. Moreover, their registration fee for that academic year’s LACUNY Institute would be waived. Additionally, the LACUNY Travel Grants have been given a one-year extension, allowing recipients to use travel grant funds for conferences in fall 2020 or in 2021, when we hope conferences resume. 

    We hope you all have been safe and healthy during an unprecedented time. Should you have any questions please feel free to email the LACUNY Officers.

  • Monday, April 20, 2020 3:00 PM | Anonymous

    The LACUNY Institute 2020 Planning Committee has made the decision to postpone this year's institute until spring 2021. As noted in a previous email sent last month, the safety of conference attendees is of the utmost importance to us all, especially during this time of COVID-19.

    We thank everyone who has been a part of this year's institute including those who submitted proposals, sponsors, registrants, and everyone else who in one way or another made a contribution.

    We will continue to keep you informed with updates regarding next year's LACUNY Institute. Should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Nelson Santana at

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